The Hangar and final stages

The picture shows progress to date on the hangar module, with most of the upper deck fittings complete.

Making up the fuel storage racks for the outboard motors.

The storage racks complete and with an added primer coat.

The base structure for the aft HF aerial array.

The complete module, finished, with a primer coat.

Shot of the author commencing work on the crane assembly for the onboard RIB (rigid inflatable boat).

The crane jib nearing completion.

The crane complete and ready for paint.

Two shots of the completed Hangar module.

Making a start on the HF Broadband aerial array.

Marking out the drill pattern for the spacers.

Assembly of the Broadband aerial components, aided by  simple jig.

Half of the array complete.

The whole Broadband array complete.

The completed Broadband array fitted to the model.

The port-side broadside HF array.

Broadside arrays complete and fitted.

Making a start on the helicopter kit.


The helicopter kit complete.

Ths is a very straightforward job to complete wih only a few components to assemble; the picture shows the completed unit after paint, being test fitted to the heli pad.


This completes the construction of the model.

So we come to the end of another model - the following two views show the completed model.


I hope you've enjoyed following the build, complete with breaks caused by the Pandemic and shortage of time.


We hope you can join us on our next project; waiting in the shipyard we have a Clyde Puffer in 1/32 scale.





 See you soon!

Latest comments

23.08 | 09:18

Interesting equipments. I will let my father know about them after my

09.04 | 23:32

Hi John, just a quick one to say that finally on the 5th April, ( ordered on the 11 feb) the semi kit GMD arrived. Now the fun begins!!???

04.03 | 20:58

Hi John, a quick hello and update, have got a bandsaw and plans frorm jecobin and have ordered the 1/72 two-gun GMD. Its due here by 22 march. regards Campbell

11.11 | 22:38

Hi Campbell nice to hear from you and hope you enjoyed the show. please keep in touch and let me know how you get on with the build. Best regards Joh