Construction begins

Making a start on the Citadel superstructure module.

We're faced on this particular job with a structure that has no rightangle joints; compound angles are the order of the day.

The author found it an advantage to purchase the supplementary plans, allowing the cutting out of accurate components and also making up templates to cope with the compound angles.

The pictures show the basic structure clamped to the deck frame and the use of weights to make sure the components stayed in place while the adhesive set up.

It's important to get this basic structure correct to obtain a tight fit to the deck frame.

The lower half of the Citadel, complete.

The bridge rails in place: this picture shows extra bracing inserted to prevent twist, and keep the structure firmly on the deck.

This picture shows a start being made on the Bridge.

This 13 sided structure requires some care in its preparation and construction; careful laying out and measurements are required as the plan does not include a detailed drawing of the bridge.

Our next picture shows the completed Bridge, now including the windscreen wiper units, with a couple of coats of filler primer applied prior to flatting and final paint.

This picture shows the bridge module temporarily installed on the Citadel superstructure.

As can be seen, glazing and windscreen wipers have been installed.

This module is now complete and ready for installation on the Citadel at a later time.

Our next picture shows progress on the Citadel module, extending up from the bridge superstructure with the main mast and two Scott dome platforms.

The next job to tackle is the side platforms for the Citadel superstructure.

These were made up as complete units prior to fitting to the superstructure.

This picture shows the three platforms for the starboard side of the Citadel, complete and ready for fitting.

The following two pictures show the platforms fitted to both the Port and Starboard sides of the Citadel superstructure.

Continuing with basic construction on the Citadel module: this picture shows three enclosures on the back of the module.

It's interesting to note that it is very important to obtain pictures of the actual ship being modelled, as all of the plans being used during this build show the two lower constructions in a different place.

However, on HMS Monmouth they are as shown in the picture.

This picture shows the start of a job which is not one of the author's favourites! - fitting the rail stanchions and railings.

Here we see a start on this job on the Citadel: the rail stanchions used on the model are provided by "Display Models".

They require a number 69 drill to be used for the pilot holes: the stanchions are then held in place with super glue, trimmed on the underside with a further application of super glue.

To aid the fitting of the rail stanchions, two very simple home-made tools have proved useful.

Made from Aluminium rod with a 1.4mm hole drilled carefully up the centre, the tool on the left of the picture is used for inserting the stanchion in the hole, and the tool on the right is pre-drilled to the correct height for the stanchion above the deck.

The use of this tool quickly locates all of the stanchions at the correct height.

This picture shows the progress to date of installing the stanchions on the Citadel superstructure.

This picture shows the starboard side of the Citadel, now complete with all stanchions and railings.

With the railings now complete on the Citadel and also on the foremast, this picture shows both of these modules with the first of many coats of filler primer applied.

This helps to show where extra filling and rubbing down is required.

Here we see the Lathe set up for some taper turning. The object of this exercise is the manufacture of the two horns, which will be fitted into the foremast.

The material in use is brass.

Latest comments

23.08 | 09:18

Interesting equipments. I will let my father know about them after my

09.04 | 23:32

Hi John, just a quick one to say that finally on the 5th April, ( ordered on the 11 feb) the semi kit GMD arrived. Now the fun begins!!???

04.03 | 20:58

Hi John, a quick hello and update, have got a bandsaw and plans frorm jecobin and have ordered the 1/72 two-gun GMD. Its due here by 22 march. regards Campbell

11.11 | 22:38

Hi Campbell nice to hear from you and hope you enjoyed the show.
please keep in touch and let me know how you get on with the build.
Best regards