Focusing on the port bridge wing, most of the fittings are all made freehand from the main plan, also utilising any pictures available from the real ship.
This picture shows a 3/4 view of the front superstructure, now fully painted but still requiring the fitting of sub modules and railings.
Portside view of the front superstructure, showing the detail on the Scott dome platforms and also the 1022 module, now fitted.
Here we see the commencement of applying the hazard markings.
The solid yellow markings are home-made and cut with a compass cutter,using industry quality tape. The chequered marking are by BECC.
A tricky job, but you have to get it right!
This picture is of the extreme rear of the funnel module.
The rivet detail was drilled by hand, using a Proxxon X-Y table and drill stand.
The final part of the front superstructure is the fitting of the bridge roof.
This is quite straightforward and, where required, filler is applied.
This picture shows the completed bridge roof, with hazard markings and the 1007 radar base in place.
The completed 1022 radar head and base.
Here we see a picture of the front module to date, showing some of the major sub-modules in place; also, the foremast and main mast in place as well.
The front module, looking at the rear starboard quarter, almost complete and requiring only the fitting of the starboard CIWS module.
This will be fitted when the model is almost complete.
The front superstructure, complete and ready for mounting.
(NB: The CIWS module is not attached at this point; also the DF antenna on the foremast will be attached when the model is completed).
A start on the hangar module.
The picture shows the basic structure, completely surrounded by heavy metal forming blocks.
Here we see the basic hangar completed, covered in several coats of filler primer.
The two pictures show a start being made on the Port and Starboard sides of the hangar.
And the following two pictures show the front and rear elevations.
Also, in this shot, a start is being made on fitting the rail stanchions to this module.
These two shots show a very simple but effective jig arrangement for ensuring the approach path lights are fitted in the correct position.
Port and starboard three-quarter shots of the module, ready to accept final fittings.
The basic hangar construction, completed.
Two shots of the hangar module nearing completion, test fitted fitted onto the model.
Interesting equipments. I will let my father know about them after my
Hi John, just a quick one to say that finally on the 5th April, ( ordered on the 11 feb) the semi kit GMD arrived. Now the fun begins!!???
Hi John, a quick hello and update, have got a bandsaw and plans frorm jecobin and have ordered the 1/72 two-gun GMD. Its due here by 22 march. regards Campbell
Hi Campbell nice to hear from you and hope you enjoyed the show.please keep in touch and let me know how you get on with the build.Best regardsJoh