The picture shows the bow section of the hull now with all transfers attached and the rubber fendering fitted.
The next picture shows the Transom now complete with all fittings and transfers.
Making a start on the rear deck ssfety railings.
The picture shows the starboard side stanchions and rear cross in place; the preparation
beforehand of all the required components now makes final assembly much quicker.
The rear guard rails complete.
The foredeck showing components in place for a dryfit run prior to final painting and fixing.
The foredeck safety railing, fenders and bow roller fitted and complete.
Making a start on the Y boat compartment doors.
Laying out the components prior to final fixing with epoxy adhesive; care required here as the hinge components are small and rather easily damaged.
Final deck fittings.
The picture shows the lifebelt holders and cleat fitted to the rear deck.
Also on the rear deck; the picture shows the pump box, capstan winch and rear bollard fitted in place.
Final touches to the deck, the picture shows the safety marking applied to the edges of the steps.
These were applied by using a piece of 2mm plastic angle painted in yellow and held in place with super glue.
The completed hull.
Interesting equipments. I will let my father know about them after my
Hi John, just a quick one to say that finally on the 5th April, ( ordered on the 11 feb) the semi kit GMD arrived. Now the fun begins!!???
Hi John, a quick hello and update, have got a bandsaw and plans frorm jecobin and have ordered the 1/72 two-gun GMD. Its due here by 22 march. regards Campbell
Hi Campbell nice to hear from you and hope you enjoyed the show.please keep in touch and let me know how you get on with the build.Best regardsJoh