Last but not least

Making a start on the "Y" boat. The picture shows the upper and lower styrene mouldings after trimming and gluing together ready for painting; care is needed here and some extra filling is almost sure to be required.

The picture shows the "Y" boat painted and lined out, ready for the waterslide transfers.

Refer to the actual boat being modelled for the correct pennent number of its "Y" boat.

Also, be aware that the instructions are not accurate in all respects with regard to the lining and position of the transfers.

The "Y" boat complete with engine and oars fitted.

 It is advisable to coat the waterslide transfers with a coat of satin clear varnish.

The model complete, so we met the deadline with one week to spare!


This was a very interesting model to build and the kit was good overall, but care is needed with respect to the changes from the plan to the actual boat being built, and the author recommends that a visit to the actual boat and the taking of copious numbers of photographs is a must.

We hope you have enjoyed viewing our  progress and will join us in our next model, a Type 23 Frigate HMS Monmouth in 1/72 scale; a very different model indeed. We intend to make a start on this much bigger project in the Autum of 2015.

Pictures of the Tamar lifeboat on the water will be added during the summer months.

Latest comments

23.08 | 09:18

Interesting equipments. I will let my father know about them after my

09.04 | 23:32

Hi John, just a quick one to say that finally on the 5th April, ( ordered on the 11 feb) the semi kit GMD arrived. Now the fun begins!!???

04.03 | 20:58

Hi John, a quick hello and update, have got a bandsaw and plans frorm jecobin and have ordered the 1/72 two-gun GMD. Its due here by 22 march. regards Campbell

11.11 | 22:38

Hi Campbell nice to hear from you and hope you enjoyed the show.
please keep in touch and let me know how you get on with the build.
Best regards